Principles of Batching Applied to Social Media

Posted by Samantha Meis | Posted in | Posted on 10:07 PM

Have you been running short on time or do you foresee yourself being very busy in the upcoming weeks? NOW is the time for batching any repetitive tasks. Face it, you have a busy lifestyle that is full of distractions. Batching allows you to block out time to focus on a single task, resulting in much greater productivity and efficiency.

Batching Tweets

Think of all the time you spend before you start tweeting: you sit down at your computer, get settled in, check the news, find something to tweet about, log on to twitter, and finally write your tweet for the day. What if you could batch your tweets? What if you could sit down, focus on writing tweets, and have not be required to think of new Tweets for the next ten days? Well now you can. With a website called you can “plan, set, and forget.” Watch my YouTube tutorial Batching Tweets with to see how it’s done.

Batching Videos

Making videos is another great social media practice to apply batching. Making videos seems like a daunting task; however, with batching, it is made extremely manageable. Pick a morning to focus on making videos and have a list of videos you would like to film. Sit in front of the camera and describe 10 different procedures or other important aspects of your practice. Then upload each video to your computer. Now in a short time, you have 10 videos available to post to your Facebook or YouTube whenever you like.

Don’t Rely on Batching

Batching is a very good way to up your productivity, however, it is not to be your only way of posting. Social networking is about interacting with your community and providing up to the date information and videos, so make sure to keep the current events and community conversation fresh.

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